Cubes a Ragout - $10,00 /lb

Cubes a Ragout - $10,00 /lb

Idéal pour les recettes de cuisson lente comme les ragoûts et le chili. En quelques heures seulement, vous obtiendrez une viande tendre au goût riche et profond.

All individual cuts are sold by weight ($/lb as indicated). Customers are charged the estimated cost at checkout and will be reimbursed for any difference at shipping.

Bundles are sold at the total price as indicated.

If you have any questions regarding our Pricing Policy - email us at

Politique des prix

All individual cuts are sold by weight ($/lb as indicated). Customers are charged the estimated cost at checkout and will be reimbursed for any difference at shipping.

Bundles are sold at the total price as indicated.

If you have any questions regarding our Pricing Policy - email us at